Give Feedback
We are always open to improvement. If you have used our services before and would like to give us feedback on your experience, it would be greatly appreciated. If you want to complain about something, learn more below.
Complaints Procedure is committed to a transparent and fair process that encourages and welcomes service users, volunteers, trustees, individuals and organisations to provide constructive feedback and comments, including complaints, about the service that has been provided. ensures that any complaints we receive are handled in a way that is responsive, fair and courteous and that respects the privacy of the person making the complaint. A complaint for the purpose of this policy is an expression of dissatisfaction about the service, whether it is found to be justified or not.
It’s important that we know about any problems so we can deal with them quickly and effectively.
All feedback, comments and complaints will be collated and evaluated to attain, maintain and improve the quality of services that we offer.
How to file a complaint
Informal Complaints
If you have a comment or complaint about the operator that you are interacting with via all platfroms, it should be immediately discussed with the operator involved, who should attempt to resolve it. A complaint made informally may be followed-up in the same manner as complaints made formally should it be deemed to be of a serious nature.
Formal Complaints
If complaints are not resolved, or if the complaint is of a serious nature, you can send an email to the Coordinator, who will investigate with a view to resolving the situation. To complain please email with all the details listed above and write ‘Complaint’ in the subject box.
To help us deal with your complaint effectively you should include details of:
- what the problem is,
- how it occurred,
- how it has affected you and
- what you consider we should now do to put the matter right or prevent it happening again.
You should also include details of the time and date of your chat, your name and a contact number or address so that we may respond to you. All team members will do everything they can to put things right.
Complaints FAQ’s
How Will You Deal With My Complaint?
Complaints often differ in nature and complexity and in dealing with any complaints made in accordance with the Complaints Procedure we will seek to apply three basic principles.
- To investigate as quickly and impartially as possible.
- To provide you with a full response outlining the findings of the investigation and wherever possible resolving the matter to your satisfaction.
- To keep the steps of the Complaints Procedure, as set out below, separate from each other.
What are the steps of the Complaints Procedure?
We will acknowledge your complaint within 3 working days of its reception via the medium of your choice. This could include the following:
- interviewing the person/s affected
- interviewing any witnesses
- interviewing any staff involved
- contacting any third party for further information.
Will I receive feedback about my complaint?
The outcome of the complaint will be issued within 14 working days following the investigation via the medium of your choice. Any extension to this time will be made with the agreement of the person making the complaint. Where an extension is not agreed, the coordinator will make their report and recommendations on the information available to them.
The response may include the following depending on the circumstances and investigation findings.
- a history of the complaint
- who was involved
- action taken to investigate the incident
- a summary of findings
- whether the complaint is upheld/partially upheld/not upheld
- recommendations for further action if applicable
- information regarding the next stage of the procedure, if appropriate
What if I am still not satisfied?
If you feel that the situation has not been satisfactorily dealt with, an appeal may be sent to the Board on, up to 3 months following the communication of the outcome of the complaint.
How long will keep my complaint for?
A separate file will be maintained for complaints, including a complaints log and copies of all correspondence relating to the complaint. All complaints will be kept for a period of 5 years.