Inform Yourself
Me & Myself
What is Self-Harm? Self-harm is not a mental health illness itself, however, in most cases, it occurs with mental illnesses like borderline...
Grief, Loss and Bereavement
Talking about Emotions The death of a loved one is a terrible experience which we all unfortunately experience at some point in our life. When...
Puberty and Body Changes
Although puberty is a great time in our lives because we are growing up, it can also be a time when we face some problems, these might occur because...
Nurturing My Self-Concept Who am I? What am I here for? Society tells me how I am supposed to be. As a fifteen-year-old girl, society states that I...
Note to self-care…
I feel suffocated, emotionless and my world crumbling around me. For this reason, I’m trying to inhale a large breath in and exhale another out...
Making Mistakes
It’s OK to Make Mistakes A Story about Risking a Little to Learn a Lot! Hi,...
Eating Disorders
“Eating disorders are serious mental illness not lifestyle choices” – Demi Lovato In this article, eating disorders will be discussed. A definition...
Seasonal Depression
A seasonal affective disorder, short SAD, is a type of depression that usually occurs in specific seasons with symptoms lasting about 4-5 months....
Let’s talk about stress
I am feeling so run down. At home, my parents are constantly fighting and I often get caught in the middle of their arguments. At school, I carry my...
Personality – who am I?
Nature vs. Nurture What is the nature-nurture debate all about? Nature refers to the genes and hereditary factors that influence who we are—from our...
Dealing With Others
Hate speech
What is hate speech? Hate Speech is best described as speech that attacks, threatens, or insults a person or group on the basis of national origin,...
Peer Pressure
Do I Fit In? A Story About Peer Pressure There goes the alarm again! I guess I should drag myself out of bed, but I really hate getting up for...
Parental seperation
I am sixteen years old and my parents got separated last year. It was hard to accept their decision and I was shocked when they first told me. When...
Being Different A Story about Being Bullied When I was in primary school, I fit in well. I used to get invited to lots of parties and always had a...
My mum and dad split up when I was 8 years old. They were always screaming and shouting at each other. When my dad left home, my mum started laying...
Helping others
It’s Not All About Me! A Story about Focusing Less on Myself and More on Others At sixteen I thought the world was mine and I believed that I could...
What is Cyberbullying? Cyberbullying is bullying which occurs through Information & Communication Technology (ICT). The devices used to...
What is discrimination? At its basis, discrimination refers to unjust treatment towards a person based upon the individual’s personal...
Supporting others
Have you noticed that a friend or family member has been acting a bit off lately? Here are some signs that someone might be struggling with mental...
Sexual Assault, Rape and Consent
Claire and Mike are both 16 years old and have been dating for two months now. It is Claire’s first relationship and she feels very lucky to have...
Around Me
Do you have an altruistic attitude to life? Do you have an unselfish concern about the welfare of others? Do you feel that you could motivate...
Homelessness in Malta may not appear to be as big of a problem as it really is. This is because we are not used to visibly seeing people sleeping on...
Physically Active
Physical Exercise – by Peter aged 16 I am an exercise freak; I just can’t get enough of it. I am not sure what it is about exercise but I know...
Promoting a Healthy Lifestyle
A state of well-being Young people are trying to deal with different situations and new challenges in their lives. They may experience problems at...
Disability is the subjection of negative stereotypes by members of society, where the environment is disabling rather than the experience of the...
Gender roles
What is gender? It is highly important that we first define the difference between gender and sex. Sex refers to the biological make-up of a person;...
Environment and I
The environment and I – by Neville aged 10 I have always loved anything to do with nature and the world outside. Since I was a little boy I...
Easing into a major milestone: Retirement
You’ve been working for many years and now you are approaching retirement. You know people who have already retired and while some seem happier than...
How often do you feel happy, sad, angry or scared? These are just some of the many emotions we experience. Emotions come to us in...
Other topics
Neurology of the Brain
The Hindbrain The hindbrain includes the upper part of the spinal cord, the brain stem, and a wrinkled ballof tissue called the cerebellum. It is...
Safe with technology
Nowadays everybody uses computers and mobiles, nearly everyone has computers in their home, some lucky ones even have them in their room. One...
Internet Use Gaming Disorder
With the advancement of technology, games have also become increasingly complex – just take a look at virtual reality! As games become more...
Online Safety
As you know, the Internet offers many benefits such as keeping in touch with friends, playing games and watching short videos. However it is...
Substance Abuse
Drugs You may have heard people speak negatively about drugs, and thought to yourself that they were obviously not speaking about the drugs...
Not having enough money
I am Amanda, I am 16 years old. I started sixth form a couple of months ago. I have a lot of friends. It is often said that we are living in a...
Professional Support
With each day we constantly process and develop social skills and emotional experiences as we try to lead happy, healthy lives. Sometimes our...
Me & Myself
Everyone gets lonely sometimes. Here are some stories of people who felt lonely. ———-Bertha, age 19: I often feel lonely when I feel far away from...
Eating Disorders
“Eating disorders are serious mental illness not lifestyle choices” – Demi Lovato In this article, eating disorders will be discussed. A definition...
Making Mistakes
It’s OK to Make Mistakes A Story about Risking a Little to Learn a Lot! Hi,...
Puberty and Body Changes
Although puberty is a great time in our lives because we are growing up, it can also be a time when we face some problems, these might occur because...
What is Self-Harm? Self-harm is not a mental health illness itself, however, in most cases, it occurs with mental illnesses like borderline...
The last 2 years of my life have been terrible. Since my parents are separated and my mother decided to solve her problems with alcohol, I’m living...
Laughing at yourself
It is important to be able to laugh at yourself, it just makes life more bearable! It is being able to take things with a pinch of salt and...
Let’s talk about stress
I am feeling so run down. At home, my parents are constantly fighting and I often get caught in the middle of their arguments. At school, I carry my...
Giving space for Self-growth and personal empowerment
What is this self-growth that we hear about? The first thing that may come to mind when we hear about self-growth is what we wish to achieve in...
Note to self-care…
I feel suffocated, emotionless and my world crumbling around me. For this reason, I’m trying to inhale a large breath in and exhale another out...
Dealing With Others
Communication with parents
Communication with Parents – by Mandy aged 14 Oh my goodness, I wonder if anyone has the same problem as I do – ha ha of this I am sure. My...
Supporting others
Have you noticed that a friend or family member has been acting a bit off lately? Here are some signs that someone might be struggling with mental...
Sexual Assault, Rape and Consent
Claire and Mike are both 16 years old and have been dating for two months now. It is Claire’s first relationship and she feels very lucky to have...
What is Cyberbullying? Cyberbullying is bullying which occurs through Information & Communication Technology (ICT). The devices used to...
Peer Pressure
Do I Fit In? A Story About Peer Pressure There goes the alarm again! I guess I should drag myself out of bed, but I really hate getting up for...
My mum and dad split up when I was 8 years old. They were always screaming and shouting at each other. When my dad left home, my mum started laying...
Parental seperation
I am sixteen years old and my parents got separated last year. It was hard to accept their decision and I was shocked when they first told me. When...
Being Different A Story about Being Bullied When I was in primary school, I fit in well. I used to get invited to lots of parties and always had a...
Helping others
It’s Not All About Me! A Story about Focusing Less on Myself and More on Others At sixteen I thought the world was mine and I believed that I could...
Hate speech
What is hate speech? Hate Speech is best described as speech that attacks, threatens, or insults a person or group on the basis of national origin,...
Love, sex and relationship
I can’t get you out of my mind I can’t seem to get you out of my mind. The way you walk, the way you talk, the way your eyes shine. I can’t seem to...
Friends and Making Friends
For a few seconds go back to your childhood and think about your first days in school. Those days of dread when you were ripped off from your summer...
Today the role of a parent has truly a broad definition. It does not only refer to biological parents but also stepparents, legal guardians...
Emotional Literacy
The Meaning of a Smile A Story about Emotional Literacy When I was six years old, around nine years ago, some important, intelligent people told my...
You may have come across a few words or terms to describe those within the gay community. This could have been by overhearing or participating in...
It’s not easy to say ‘no’ to something especially when everyone else is saying ‘yes’. Sometimes, it’s not easy to stand up for what you believe in....
Toxic Relationships
What is a toxic relationship? Any relationship that makes one or both individuals involved feel unsupported, misunderstood, demeaned or attacked. A...
In school I was always taught that the traditional family always had a mother, father and children living in one house. But it’s different for me...
Around Me
Promoting a Healthy Lifestyle
A state of well-being Young people are trying to deal with different situations and new challenges in their lives. They may experience problems at...
Do you have an altruistic attitude to life? Do you have an unselfish concern about the welfare of others? Do you feel that you could motivate...
How often do you feel happy, sad, angry or scared? These are just some of the many emotions we experience. Emotions come to us in...
Gender roles
What is gender? It is highly important that we first define the difference between gender and sex. Sex refers to the biological make-up of a person;...
Homelessness in Malta may not appear to be as big of a problem as it really is. This is because we are not used to visibly seeing people sleeping on...
Easing into a major milestone: Retirement
You’ve been working for many years and now you are approaching retirement. You know people who have already retired and while some seem happier than...
Physically Active
Physical Exercise – by Peter aged 16 I am an exercise freak; I just can’t get enough of it. I am not sure what it is about exercise but I know...
Disability is the subjection of negative stereotypes by members of society, where the environment is disabling rather than the experience of the...
Environment and I
The environment and I – by Neville aged 10 I have always loved anything to do with nature and the world outside. Since I was a little boy I...
Other topics
Professional Support
With each day we constantly process and develop social skills and emotional experiences as we try to lead happy, healthy lives. Sometimes our...
Safe with technology
Nowadays everybody uses computers and mobiles, nearly everyone has computers in their home, some lucky ones even have them in their room. One...
Neurology of the Brain
The Hindbrain The hindbrain includes the upper part of the spinal cord, the brain stem, and a wrinkled ballof tissue called the cerebellum. It is...
Not having enough money
I am Amanda, I am 16 years old. I started sixth form a couple of months ago. I have a lot of friends. It is often said that we are living in a...
Internet Use Gaming Disorder
With the advancement of technology, games have also become increasingly complex – just take a look at virtual reality! As games become more...
Substance Abuse
Drugs You may have heard people speak negatively about drugs, and thought to yourself that they were obviously not speaking about the drugs...
Online Safety
As you know, the Internet offers many benefits such as keeping in touch with friends, playing games and watching short videos. However it is...
Me & Myself
Anxiety is a lot like a toddler. It never stops talking; tells you you’re wrong about everything and wakes you up at 3 AM. Butterflies in...
Everyone gets lonely sometimes. Here are some stories of people who felt lonely. ———-Bertha, age 19: I often feel lonely when I feel far away from...
Eating Disorders
“Eating disorders are serious mental illness not lifestyle choices” – Demi Lovato In this article, eating disorders will be discussed. A definition...
Fear Of Missing Out (FOMO)
In our modern world of constant connectivity, it's easy to get caught up in the widespread phenomenon known as FOMO, or the "Fear of Missing Out."...
Laughing at yourself
It is important to be able to laugh at yourself, it just makes life more bearable! It is being able to take things with a pinch of salt and...
The last 2 years of my life have been terrible. Since my parents are separated and my mother decided to solve her problems with alcohol, I’m living...
Nurturing My Self-Concept Who am I? What am I here for? Society tells me how I am supposed to be. As a fifteen-year-old girl, society states that I...
Personality – who am I?
Nature vs. Nurture What is the nature-nurture debate all about? Nature refers to the genes and hereditary factors that influence who we are—from our...
Puberty and Body Changes
Although puberty is a great time in our lives because we are growing up, it can also be a time when we face some problems, these might occur because...
What is ‘depression’? Depression is a mental health difficulty that affects how a person feels, thinks and acts. It causes feelings of sadness...
Dealing With Others
Parental seperation
I am sixteen years old and my parents got separated last year. It was hard to accept their decision and I was shocked when they first told me. When...
Peer Pressure
Do I Fit In? A Story About Peer Pressure There goes the alarm again! I guess I should drag myself out of bed, but I really hate getting up for...
Being Different A Story about Being Bullied When I was in primary school, I fit in well. I used to get invited to lots of parties and always had a...
Supporting others
Have you noticed that a friend or family member has been acting a bit off lately? Here are some signs that someone might be struggling with mental...
Communication with parents
Communication with Parents – by Mandy aged 14 Oh my goodness, I wonder if anyone has the same problem as I do – ha ha of this I am sure. My...
What is Cyberbullying? Cyberbullying is bullying which occurs through Information & Communication Technology (ICT). The devices used to...
Sexual Assault, Rape and Consent
Claire and Mike are both 16 years old and have been dating for two months now. It is Claire’s first relationship and she feels very lucky to have...
What is discrimination? At its basis, discrimination refers to unjust treatment towards a person based upon the individual’s personal...
Hate speech
What is hate speech? Hate Speech is best described as speech that attacks, threatens, or insults a person or group on the basis of national origin,...
My mum and dad split up when I was 8 years old. They were always screaming and shouting at each other. When my dad left home, my mum started laying...
Love, sex and relationship
I can’t get you out of my mind I can’t seem to get you out of my mind. The way you walk, the way you talk, the way your eyes shine. I can’t seem to...
It’s not easy to say ‘no’ to something especially when everyone else is saying ‘yes’. Sometimes, it’s not easy to stand up for what you believe in....
Today the role of a parent has truly a broad definition. It does not only refer to biological parents but also stepparents, legal guardians...
Emotional Literacy
The Meaning of a Smile A Story about Emotional Literacy When I was six years old, around nine years ago, some important, intelligent people told my...
Toxic Relationships
What is a toxic relationship? Any relationship that makes one or both individuals involved feel unsupported, misunderstood, demeaned or attacked. A...
Friends and Making Friends
For a few seconds go back to your childhood and think about your first days in school. Those days of dread when you were ripped off from your summer...
In school I was always taught that the traditional family always had a mother, father and children living in one house. But it’s different for me...
You may have come across a few words or terms to describe those within the gay community. This could have been by overhearing or participating in...
Around Me
Disability is the subjection of negative stereotypes by members of society, where the environment is disabling rather than the experience of the...
Physically Active
Physical Exercise – by Peter aged 16 I am an exercise freak; I just can’t get enough of it. I am not sure what it is about exercise but I know...
Environment and I
The environment and I – by Neville aged 10 I have always loved anything to do with nature and the world outside. Since I was a little boy I...
Promoting a Healthy Lifestyle
A state of well-being Young people are trying to deal with different situations and new challenges in their lives. They may experience problems at...
How often do you feel happy, sad, angry or scared? These are just some of the many emotions we experience. Emotions come to us in...
Gender roles
What is gender? It is highly important that we first define the difference between gender and sex. Sex refers to the biological make-up of a person;...
Easing into a major milestone: Retirement
You’ve been working for many years and now you are approaching retirement. You know people who have already retired and while some seem happier than...
Homelessness in Malta may not appear to be as big of a problem as it really is. This is because we are not used to visibly seeing people sleeping on...
Do you have an altruistic attitude to life? Do you have an unselfish concern about the welfare of others? Do you feel that you could motivate...
Other topics
Professional Support
With each day we constantly process and develop social skills and emotional experiences as we try to lead happy, healthy lives. Sometimes our...
Internet Use Gaming Disorder
With the advancement of technology, games have also become increasingly complex – just take a look at virtual reality! As games become more...
Online Safety
As you know, the Internet offers many benefits such as keeping in touch with friends, playing games and watching short videos. However it is...
Not having enough money
I am Amanda, I am 16 years old. I started sixth form a couple of months ago. I have a lot of friends. It is often said that we are living in a...
Safe with technology
Nowadays everybody uses computers and mobiles, nearly everyone has computers in their home, some lucky ones even have them in their room. One...
Neurology of the Brain
The Hindbrain The hindbrain includes the upper part of the spinal cord, the brain stem, and a wrinkled ballof tissue called the cerebellum. It is...
Substance Abuse
Drugs You may have heard people speak negatively about drugs, and thought to yourself that they were obviously not speaking about the drugs...