Inform Yourself


My mum and dad split up when I was 8 years old. They were always screaming and shouting at each other. When my dad left home, my mum started laying on the sofa all day long, crying and drinking. There have been days when she’d have drunk so much that she would just...


How often do you feel happy, sad, angry or scared?  These are just some of the many emotions we experience.  Emotions come to us in different doses. We may feel a light wave of joy when we see a person we love, or feel shaken by a rush of anger when someone...


Anxiety is a lot like a toddler. It never stops talking; tells you you’re wrong about everything and wakes you up at 3 AM.   Butterflies in your stomach before an important event? Worried about how you will meet a deadline? Nervous about a dental or medical...


You may have come across a few words or terms to describe those within the gay community. This could have been by overhearing or participating in conversations, and/ or via the use of the internet. But what do these terms mean? Definitions: Coming Out-  the...


It’s not easy to say ‘no’ to something especially when everyone else is saying ‘yes’. Sometimes, it’s not easy to stand up for what you believe in. We are all afraid of being unpopular and of ending up with no friends because we want different things from others, or...

Puberty and Body Changes

Although puberty is a great time in our lives because we are growing up, it can also be a time when we face some problems, these might occur because we look or act differently to others. I will tell you my experience of puberty so far. I love football; I play it at...

Love, sex and relationship

I can’t get you out of my mind I can’t seem to get you out of my mind. The way you walk, the way you talk, the way your eyes shine. I can’t seem to understand the way you bend your head to listen to every word I say And the way things between us are never dull or...

Eating Disorders

“Eating disorders are serious mental illness not lifestyle choices” – Demi Lovato In this article, eating disorders will be discussed. A definition of what an eating disorder will be introduced, followed by the different types of existing eating disorders and what are...

Online Safety

As you know, the Internet offers many benefits such as keeping in touch with friends, playing games and watching short videos. However it is important to keep in mind that the use of the Internet also brings with it a set of risks which are similar to what one could...

Internet Use Gaming Disorder

With the advancement of technology, games have also become increasingly complex – just take a look at virtual reality!  As games become more realistic, they also become better ways to escape the physical world. This can be fun for a while, but just like with...

Me & Myself

Dealing With Others

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Dealing With Others


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